What is Anticipatory Grief?

Dealing with anticipatory grief can be a difficult and overwhelming experience for those who are facing the serious illness of a loved one. Anticipatory grief is the process of coping with and grieving the potential loss of a loved one before it happens.

People who are dealing with serious illness may experience multiple losses, such as loss of independence, security, and future plans. This can be devastating for both the person who is ill and their loved ones.

During this time, it's normal to experience a range of emotions such as sorrow, anxiety, anger, acceptance, depression, and denial. These feelings can be complicated by the type of illness and the relationship you share with the person who is ill.

To help cope with anticipatory grief, it can be helpful to talk to sympathetic friends or family members, join a support group, read books or listen to tapes designed for caregivers. These resources can provide validation and understanding of the difficult emotions you may be experiencing.


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